Vegetarian Food Asia 2025
Coffee & Chocolate Tasting
SCA Coffee Diploma
Louder Airport

Free Shipping for order coffee bean / coffee bag / filter paper (Only 1 pack) as below detail:

Hong Kong Region

Order above HK$150, Hong Kong Post Office (you can pick-up the package at Post Office / iPostal Station)

Order above HK$300, SF Delivery (SF Locker/Store)

Macau Region

Order above HK$500, SF Delivery (SF Locker/Store)

Other country / Region: Contact us for enquiry

Wholesale or General Enquiry

Looking for Coffee?

Whether you are an office, hotel, restaurant, cafe or retail store, we will assist you to find your ideal coffee bean. We sample roast and do the cupping of all coffees to find the ideal profile that exhibits origin characteristics and taste balance.

How can we help you?

We provide generic blend, customized blend and single origin of fresh roasted coffee. We taking great care and attention to roast all coffee in order to achieve the best taste, balance, and flavor profile. We delivery you from brewing techniques to sensory skills as we want to help you to server your product perfectly.

Rookie asking for support?

We love to share our passion and build up a long-term relationship with you. Our team will help you from coffee bean to coffee machine and provide training. We hold coffee training course in our center or in-house training with a tailored program.

Look forward to hearing your new planning and work with us.

For more detail, please fill Enquiry Form or WhatsApp or email to

We will get back to you as soon as possible.


1. 精品咖啡協會咖啡永續發展證書課程

我們提供精品咖啡協會咖啡永續發展證書課程 (SCA Coffee Sustainability Foundation),讓大家了解當今咖啡產業面臨的主要永續發展問題,目前的永續發展實踐、解決方案和永續的未來,期望他們開始在自己的公司內做出有意義的改變。

2. 採購永續咖啡豆

在希望帶給大家不同咖啡體驗的同時,我們亦希望為永續發展取得平衡,採購持有國際有機認證之莊園咖啡豆,在我們採購的莊園咖啡豆當中,拉斯拉哈斯莊園 (Finca Las Lajas)是哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)的有機咖啡莊園,在施肥上莊園主嚴格要求所有過程均需按照有機標準進行栽種和施肥,全莊園均使用自製的有機堆肥,同時把有機標準擴展到包括土質、遮蔭樹和水洗處理廠程序等。經過多年的努力目前拉斯拉哈斯莊園已經通過了美國USDA、日本JAS和NOP有機認證。

3. 銀皮回收


4. 咖啡麻包袋和鋁包袋回收

一般咖啡生豆的包袋是用麻包袋或鋁袋,回收後的麻包袋可以升級再造 (upcycle) 成為側孭袋,又稱「托特包」(Tote Bag) 或小袋子。



6. 想多一點
